
Get Involved — Volunteer!

When adults volunteer, all students benefit! There are many opportunities for parents and community members to get involved!  Your help is needed!  Complete the Volunteer Interest form and we will be in touch with you. 



room parent information

Are you interested in volunteering as a room parent but not sure what the job entails? Room parents are volunteers who work closely with the classroom teacher to do the following:

  • Ensure carnival silent auction basket is completed and turned in (suggested value of $100-$200, please do not exceed $200). You are welcome to delegate this to other willing parents, solicit donations from the community, and/or collect donations from classroom parents to cover costs. 
  • Plan class parties for winter break, Valentine's Day, and the last week of school. These parties are scheduled in conjunction with your teacher and typically last no more than 90 minutes with treats and activities provided for the whole class. You are welcome to solicit monetary donations from parents or request that they bring supplies to help out. You can also recruit additional parent helpers to assist! Halloween party is optional and up to the discretion of the teacher and room parent. 
  • Celebrate the teacher's birthday in whatever way you would like. You may solicit donations or help from parents for this, but something as a simple as a card and lunch from a favorite nearby restaurant or flowers is always well received. 
  • Coordinate teacher appreciation week activities with other parents, including ensuring that the door is decorated over the weekend of May 2 (tips and some supplies provided), and developing any other plans that you like for that week. VOPC has recently scaled up efforts to celebrate our teachers at a school level during that week to take some of the load away from room parents, so this may be as simple as coordinating a group gift or card, scheduling a takeout lunch, or planning a dress up like the teacher day -- whatever you think will make your teacher feel appreciated!

Working with a partner or team to make all of this happen is absolutely fine, but we highly recommend choosing one parent to be the primary room parent to ensure smooth communication and planning. Best practices, sample room parent welcome and donation letters, and teacher favorite things information are all provided to room parents to help! If you have questions, please reach out to valleyoakparentclub@gmail.com so we can put you in touch with our room parent coordinator!